The Rosenthal Theater is a creative home for innovative and diverse performance, education and artist engagement that seeks to nurture and illuminate the creative spirit of young people and adults by enabling them to create, present and experience new work.
Immerse Your Imagination
Each year Inner-City Arts offers shows for school partners and public audiences to experience the magic of live performance. We welcome the community to make meaningful memories with loved ones and see what’s behind the Big Orange Door!
Cada año, Inner-City Arts ofrece espectáculos para que los socios escolares y el público disfruten de la magia de la actuación en vivo. ¡Damos la bienvenida a la comunidad para crear recuerdos significativos con sus seres queridos y ver qué hay detrás de la Big Orange Door!
2023-24 Season
Maestro's Treehouse
The world premiere of an immersive musical theater show for kids and families!
¡El estreno mundial de un espectáculo de teatro musical inmersivo para niños y familias!
The Story of Biddy Mason
May 31 and June 1
A theatrical performance blending video projection, music, song, movement, and dramatic storytelling to bring to life the powerful and inspiring true story of an extraordinary woman
Una representación teatral que combina proyección de video, música, canciones, movimiento y narración dramática para dar vida a la poderosa e inspiradora historia real de una mujer extraordinaria
Our offerings for teen audiences include shows by Inner-City Arts’ performing arts ensembles, original teen-produced work, and other events curated for Gen Z participants. Find inspiration among your generation of creative young artists!
Nuestras ofertas para el público adolescente incluyen espectáculos de conjuntos de artes escénicas de Inner-City Arts, trabajos originales producidos por adolescentes y otros eventos seleccionados para los participantes de la Generación Z. ¡Encuentra inspiración entre tu generación de jóvenes artistas creativos!
2023-24 Season
T4: Teens Take the Theater
April 5
7-9 p.m.
An open-mic event and gallery walk for teens in high school
Come to the Rosenthal Theater at Inner-City Arts for a night of performances and sharing art together. Everyone is invited to sign up and share their creativity in this positive and judgment-free space where we are all accepted and celebrated. Meet friends and be inspired! In partnership with artworxLA | LEARN MORE
Un evento “open-mic” con caminata por la galería para adolescentes
Ven al Teatro Rosenthal en Inner-City Arts para disfrutar de una noche de actuaciones y compartir arte juntos con tus compañeros de secundaria. Todos están invitados a registrarse y compartir su creatividad en este espacio positivo y libre de juicios donde todos somos aceptados y celebrados. ¡Conoce amigos e inspírate! En alianza con artworxLA | APRENDE MÁS
Antigone's Last Birthday
April 26 and 28
In collaboration with decorated playwright Megan Tabaque, Inner-City Arts' Work of Art interns are excited to present the Los Angeles premiere of a new adaptation of Antigone. Set in a fictional border town, the team refocuses Sophocles' ancient Greek tragedy of rebellion, banishment, and fatal consequences into a contemporary Latine tale of power, resilience, and relentless fervor of teenage girls as agents of change. LEARN MORE
A collaborative offering with our friends at the Skid Row Arts Alliance to welcome community partners as they create, present and share the transformative work they do in our neighborhood.
For More Information on The Rosenthal Theater
For general inquiries about theater programming and/or rentals, please contact:
Michael Sample
Co-Artistic Director
213.443.0550 x 140
With special thanks to our supporters who make this program possible:

Caleb F. Reese, The Ahmanson Foundation, Genesis Inspiration Foundation, Rose Hills Foundation, LA Arts Recovery Fund, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
"Having something like The Rosenthal Theater built for the children in this neighborhood and to see them come in here... I think it's going to elevate their whole sense of belonging and ideas of what is possible."
– Monica Rosenthal, Founders Board Member of Inner-City Arts