

Fill out out our Work of Art Interest Form to be sent an email reminder when applications are available.

Work of Art Information Session
Saturday, April 12, 12-1:30 p.m. | at Inner-City Arts, 720 Kohler St., Los Angeles

Students, families, and educators are all welcome to come and learn more about this unique opportunity!

Preparing Young Adults for College and Creative Careers

Work of Art is a college and career exploration program designed to prepare teens with the skills, training, and real-world experience necessary to prepare them for life beyond high school. Eligible teens are high school sophomore and juniors that have an interest in exploring a career in the arts and the creative economy, and a desire for mentorship.

Work of Art empowers the diverse and vibrant youth of Los Angeles to assume their rightful place as drivers of the Creative Economy of California, the nation and the world. We connect creative youth to public sector workforce initiatives, private employers and college resources, supporting the development of an abundant supply of new talent into the creative industries.

The Work of Art Permanent Collection!

In June 2020, we launched a new work‑based learning model for Work of Art interns. The Permanent Collection is a body of work and assets in the Media, Visual and Performing Arts that can be licensed and distributed on behalf of Inner-City Arts to provide a presence and representation of youth voice in a variety of settings for multiple audiences. Assets may include paintings, sculpture, drawings, media campaigns, digital art, film, and live or recorded performance of original student‑devised work such as acting, dance, and music.

Rated Z for Everyone!

Rated Z for Everyone is a show produced for teens by teens. Each webisode focuses on a topic of special interest specifically for Generation Z — amplifying their voices to be heard by each other, and also by adults. It’s a beacon of creativity. It’s full of positive messages that make a difference. It’s authentic. It’s fun. It’s hope. It’s Rated Z for Everyone.


Students may apply in the winter of each year to enter the program. The application process includes submission of an application form, an essay, a letter of recommendation, and an interview. Once accepted, Work of Art students will explore and participate in the following areas:

  • College fairs
  • Personal statement workshops
  • FAFSA workshops
  • Referral to pre-college programs
  • Portfolio development
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Real-World Experiences
    • Inner-City Arts paid internships
    • Winter tour days with partners
    • Spring shadow days with partners
    • Funded externships
  • Workshops
    • Resume workshops
    • Mock interviews
    • Guest artist workshops
  • Resources and Opportunities
    • Annual Creative Career Fair
    • Networking opportunities
    • Custom business cards
  • Studio classes in Visual, Media and Performing Arts Institutes
  • Financial literacy workshop
  • Goals-setting workshop
  • Parent conferences
  • Leadership development
  • Professional arts experiences
  • Annual Big Bear Lake retreat


“If I could say anything about Work of Art, it would be that those shadow days are so valuable. I think you are awesome for giving/finding a person a tailored agenda for those days.”

Jennifer Smith College, Class of 2020

“With this externship, I'm expected to know how to draw and animate [...] My skills are constantly put to the test and I have to always find a fine line between what Rob [wants], his vision for the project and the gift of creative freedom that he has allowed me to have.” (On working with Dreamworks Story Artist Rob Gibbs)

Noel High School Senior, Graduating June 2017

“[...] I have also learned the importance of trying new things. I thought I would have trouble adapting, but my experience [...] was so amazing and fun. I enjoyed it a lot.”

Montzerrat Future Architect, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Class of 2020

“Goal #1: Figure out what college I will go to and reach the college of my dreams.” (From the Goal Setting Workshop in the summer preceding her senior year)

Tatiana USC Class of 2020

“As I write to you, I have all of my things packed and I'm more than ready to begin a future in Michigan. You have shown me a vast network of opportunity, everything -- from college workshops, panel speaker, [...] -- has finally paid off. My family and I cannot thank you enough for the possibilities you have opened us too, and for assisting me in my journey into Posse.”

Gabriel Ugarte Posse Scholar, Kalamazoo College Class of 2020

With special thanks to our supporters who make this program possible:

Work of Art_Dec. 2023

Mentors Foundation, City of Los Angeles Department of Economic and Workforce Development, LA Arts Recovery Fund, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, Genesis Inspiration Foundation, Rose Hills Foundation, The Walt Disney Company

For more information about our Work of Art Program, please contact:

Holli Hornlien
Associate Director of Work of Art
(213) 627-9621 x 117

Brooke Mason Photography
Children's Institute
Craft and Folk Art Museum
Disney Television Animation
Fowler Museum at UCLA
Invertigo Dance Theatre
New Film Makers LA
Michael Maltzan Architecture Inc.
Pancake Epidemic
Poser Productions
Rio Hondo College
The Enso Collaborative
The Maestro Foundation
Trader Joes
Alexander McQueen
Art Los Angeles Contemporary
Clare V Bags
CO Architects
Disney Imagineers
Flourish Foundation
LA Downtowner
Marciano Art Foundation
Midnight Oil
New Form Digital
Night School Studio
OW! (Online Worlds) Entertainment
Pasadena Arts Center
Penny Lovell Styling (represented by The Only Agency)
Robert Kuo Gallery
Sound Hound
Tape Echo Music LLC
Tender Greens
The Fowler Museum
Versa Style Dance
Wallaby Financial (Bankrate Inc.)
Warner Bros. Records
Wells Fargo

“Everybody I met at Inner-City Arts is a bowl of sunshine. I really did grow as a person in class, and I learned new skills that I can use in everyday life.”

– Inner-City Arts High School Student