The Professional Development Institute at Inner-City Arts addresses current and pressing needs in education including arts and arts-integrated learning, social-emotional learning, culturally responsive teaching, and learning through multiple modalities. We offer education and support for adults in authentic arts practice and integrating it into teaching practice.
Recognizing the urgent need for students to be engaged in their education and to find relevance in their classroom experiences, the Inner-City Arts Professional Development Institute provides training for adults who support students. We serve educators, parents and guardians, and the community in understanding and experiencing the strong, positive, and educational impact of arts and arts-integrated learning.
In the Professional Development Institute, educators, administrators, parents, and guardians, particularly those in schools grappling with high levels of economic inequity, learn how to build bridges between the arts and academic subjects. Program participants learn how to actively engage students and enhance each student's ability to achieve academic and personal success.
With special thanks to our supporters who make this program possible:

LA Arts Recovery, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, Genesis Inspiration Foundation, Rose Hills Foundation
For more information about the Inner-City Arts Professional Development Institute, including registration information and other opportunities, please contact the department by email:
“I had let time restrictions and mandates close my thinking. I now feel much stronger about the need for the arts. I can see new connections between subjects. I’m getting more of a sense of hope.”
– Laura D., 2nd grade teacher, Professional Development participant